Poop Proclamation: A Manifesto For The Modern Shitting Woman
Porcelain Princesss Proclamation: A Declaration Of Digestive Dignity
Porcelain Princesss Proclamation: Commandments For The Commode - p00girl
Poop Princesss Proclamation: Embracing Sovereignty Over The Throne - p00girl
Poop Princesss Proclamation: Royal Decrees From The Royal Throne
Princesss Potty Plan: A Throne-Time Tutorial For The Modern Maiden - Snakeskin
Poop Princesss Protocol: Etiquette And Advice For The Modern Woman
Dainty Dump Decree: A Manifesto For The Modern Pooper
Dung Decree: A Manifesto For The Modern Woman Who Poops Proudly
Svelte Squatter: A Modern Maidens Manifesto