Bowel Ballad: A Musical Ode To The Act Of Release
Bowel Movement Ballads: A Musical Ode To The Act Of Elimination
Turd Tribute Band: A Girls Musical Ode To The Melodies Of The Morning Routine - Marinayam19
Backdoor Ballads: A Girls Musical Ode To Pooping
Brown Bombshell Ballad: A Musical Tribute To The Toilet-Bound
Bowel Ballad: An Ode To The Female Dump
Bowel Movement Melody: The Musical Stylings Of A Girls Poop - gassy
Brown Note: Musical Moments In Female Defecation - ElenaToilet
Backdoor Symphony: The Musical Journey Of A Girls Poop - MissMortelle
Anus Anthem: A Girls Musical Tribute To The Art Of Pooping